For everyone

Find the location you’re researching on Google Maps, so that you know its coordinates and what it looks from space before you visit other sources. Use it to see what human influences are near the forest. Also, check out the “Games” page to play a game on how areas affected by deforestation, droughts, and wildfire look on Google Maps.

View over 50 global satellite maps showing climate conditions and changes. One particularly useful map is Land Surface Temperature Anomaly (in the Energy section). You can use it to see if the weather was higher or lower than average in the area you’re researching when you took your photo.

Enter the location you’re researching into the LiveScience search bar to read articles and watch videos about it.

Giovanni lets you use remote sensing data without having to download the data. It includes data for atmospheric temperature, moisture, and rainfall. To learn more on how to use Giovanni go to the Giovanni User Manual.
For students in the US

See maps of the US that show precipitation, drought, temperature, and more. Alternatively, enter the location you’re researching into the search bar to read articles about it.

The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. includes information about soil moisture, temperature and precipitation over time.

Use the Weekly Comparison tool in “Maps and Data” to see how droughts have changed over time.

USDA Forest Health Advisory System
Choose any forest in the United States, and click “Create Advisory.” You will get various statistics on the forest’s health, ranging from species of insects which threaten the forest to tree density maps.